
Why Does My Sunscreen Pill on My Face?

Sunscreen should be the most important product of everyone’s skincare regime. We use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV radiation. It is the best defense against aging, hyperpigmentation, skin cancer, and wrinkles. There are many different types of sunscreen, you can choose the right formula for your needs. Everyone wants to wear sunscreen but some people skip it when they face the problem of pilling. Here in this article, we will provide the answer to ‘Why Does My Sunscreen Pill on My Face’?

What Does the Mean of Sunscreen Pilling?

Sunscreen pilling describes the tiny flakes on your skin when you are wearing it. It can be visible to other people. You will experience tiny beads of sunscreen sitting on the surface of your skin and it might be impossible to apply your makeup or layer of skincare products after it. It can be embarrassing for you. There are two reasons for sunscreen pilling. First, you are not applying in a proper way and the second one is you are using low-quality sunscreen.

Causes of Sunscreen Pilling

Sunscreen pilling is a common problem. There are many reasons for it. If your skin is dry then it can be a common problem for you. If you are wearing sunscreen on top of makeup or oily skin, use a low-quality sunscreen or you are using too much sunscreen. Then you can face the problem of pilling. To avoid sunscreen pilling, you should exfoliate your skin one or two times a week with a chemical exfoliator.

After sunscreen pills on your skin, it will not protect your skin sun’s harmful radiation. It means that tiny flakes of sunscreen are not effective.

How to Prevent Sunscreen Pilling?

There are many ways to overcome the common problem of sunscreen pilling and you can reduce the chances of pilling by taking several precautions during your skincare routine. By eliminating these skincare mistakes, you will reduce the chances of pilling.

Cleanse Your face before using skin care products

To create a clean surface for your sunscreen, you should start by cleansing your face with your favorite cleanser. Wash your face gently and make sure that any makeup or residue is fully removed from your skin.

Moisturize your skin

After cleansing, you should moisturize your face. By moisturizing your face you can avoid skin flakes. It can contribute to the sunscreen balling up. There is an age-old debate that you should apply sunscreen or moisturizer first. We all know that sunscreen protects us from UV radiation then it will be applied as a last layer. Take time to absorb it into your skin.

Apply sunscreen gently

Firstly, take a small quantity of sunscreen and apply it gently on your face. If you need more to cover your face then take more. By doing this you can avoid overapplying. Don’t rub it harshly, rubbing lightly can prevent the skin from flaking or pilling.


Sunscreen is a very important product for skincare routine. You should select high-quality sunscreen which suits your skin type and skin tone. You should use lightweight formulation sunscreen when you experience the problem of pilling. Because you can’t skip sunscreen, it is very important for your skin to keep it healthier and safer.


How do I stop my sunscreen from pilling?

To stop sunscreen from pilling you should follow these steps:
1. Cleanse properly
2. Moisturize your skin
3. Let other skincare products absorb
4. Lastly apply sunscreen.

Why does sunscreen peel off my face?

The sunscreen contains silicones, talc, mica, and iron oxide. These ingredients are the main reason that does not absorb the skin easily.

Is sunscreen pilling normal?

Yes, it is a common problem.

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