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Does silica clog pores?

Silica is the latest ingredient in the skincare industry, some people consider silica harmful to our skin and some consider it safe for the skin. Once rumors start for anything then everyone adds their POVs, gossip, and side effects. We’ll not do any gossip here, we will discuss the science and facts about it. Here we will discuss ‘Does silica clog pores’?

What is silica?

Silica is not known to clog pores but it can be paired with other comedogenic ingredients which can cause acne breakouts. Silica is a common mineral on the earth. It can be found in sandstone, clay, granite, and even in parts of plants and animals. It can be made synthetically in the lab also. Even it is found in fruits and vegetables which help to keep your joints flexible and it helps to keep your teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as silicon dioxide and hydrated silica. Silica is used in many skincare products because it absorbs sebum and oil and makes products mattifying.

Advantages of Using Silica in Skincare

Silica works as a multitasker for our skin. There are a lot of reasons given below :

According to scientific research and studies, silica boosts collagen production, a building protein of your skin that offers you a youthful and wrinkle-free appearance. Experts say that the external use of silica is found quite amazing to improve wrinkles improvement, skin elasticity, and skin texture of course. It is found quite good to improve sun-damaged skin as well. Even it is used in formulations of lotions, sunscreen, acne treatment ointment, and hair care products.

Does silica is safe for the skin?

Silica is beneficial and safe for your skin. But if you still have doubts then read the above information carefully, and you will get your answer. Silica is found in bananas, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, lentils, brown rice, and seafood. These are the natural sources of silica.


Silica and silicones are two different things. Silica is a naturally found ingredient whereas silicones are synthetic polymers. Silica is a safe and useful ingredient for our skin and hair whereas silicones can be harmful to our hair and skin.


Is silica safe for acne?

Silica will support acne treatment it does not cause acne breakouts.

Is silica a bad ingredient in makeup?

No, silica is safe and beneficial if it is used in small concentrations.

Is silica good for oily skin?

Yes, because it is known to absorb excess oil and sebum. It is an effective ingredient for oily skin type.

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