
Why Does Sunscreen Burn My Face?

Sunscreen is the most essential part of a day’s skincare routine. If you don’t wear sunscreen regularly, it can lead to a lot of skin issues such as premature aging and pigmentation. Thus it is necessary to always wear sunscreen and reapply after every two hours.

Generally, sunscreen doesn’t cause any side-effect but some people feel a burning or stinging sensation on their face. If you are experiencing a burning sensation every time when you wear sunscreen. Here’s why the burning sensation happening and how to deal with it.

What Causes Sunscreen Reactions?

There can be many reasons behind the reaction after applying sunscreen. It can happen when your skin is very sensitive to the irritants, or you are using chemical sunscreen. There are two types of sunscreen first is chemical sunscreen and second one is physical sunscreen. Chemical sunscreen contains Avobenzone, Octinoxate, and Oxybenzone which get absorbed into the skin and convert the sun’s UV light energy into heat and release it from your skin. On the other hand, physical sunscreen forms a shield on your skin and reflects harmful UV rays.

Chemical sunscreen can cause of burning sensation for some people because it is a common allergen. Some other causes are written below:

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction might be the reason behind the burning or irritation sensation after applying sunscreen. If you are allergic to any ingredient in the sunscreen then you should try different brand’s sunscreen that does not contain that ingredient. You should take a patch test before applying any sunscreen.

Using too much sunscreen

If you wear too much sunscreen, it can give a burning sensation to your skin. When you apply too much sunscreen then you need to rub it to absorb into your skin. Rubbing too much can cause a burning sensation or irritation. You should start applying sunscreen in little quantities, if you need take more and apply it.

Applying sunscreen on the damp skin

You should apply sunscreen on dry skin because it absorbs better than damp or moist skin. When you apply sunscreen on moist skin, it can cause some irritation in your skin. If you are sweating, you should wait until it stops and then you should apply sunscreen. You should not apply sunscreen just before using moisturizer.


Wearing sunscreen is the best thing to add to your skincare routine. It protects your skin from sun damage and lots of skin issues. You should apply it in a proper way such as applying it on dry skin, using it not too much or too less. You should apply sunscreen according to your skin type and skin tone.


What to do when sunscreen burns your face?

If you got mild rashes after using sunscreen then it will subside on its own. But in severe cases may require topical or oral steroids.

What Sunscreen can I use if I’m allergic?

if you are allergic, you should use physical sunblock which does not absorb in your skin it makes a shield and reflects UV radiation.

Why my skin gets dark after applying sunscreen?

If your skin gets dark after applying sunscreen it means that sunscreen is not suit your skin. Sunscreen which contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide can darken your skin.

Does SPF 50 make you darker?

No, any sunscreen even with SPF 50 does not make your skin darker.

Why does my skin burn when I apply sunscreen?

There can be many reasons behind the reaction after applying sunscreen. It can happen when your skin is very sensitive to the irritants, or you are using chemical sunscreen when your skin is sensitive.

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